
The Real Cost of Turnover

With employers having employee retention and hiring issues, the need for solutions like the GOALL Agency has never been higher.

As costly as it is to hire new employees, it’s even more expensive to replace employees; not to mention the disadvantages you suffer when top talent walks out your door (and often into the arms of your key competitors)

The GOALL Agency address employer needs with a solution that better satisfies employee wants. With it, you’ll meet their desire for sustainable financial futures. Our products deliver significant advantages over the traditional 401(k) plans offered by most others.

Average Cost to Replace an Employee is 50% of Compensation

The GOALL Agency SOLVES employer challenges and helps increase employer profit margins!


Employers need to stand out from their competition!

Employees are the #1 asset for an employer!


The GOALL Agency addresses employer needs with a solution that better satisfies employee wants. The GOALL Agency will assist in meeting their desire for a sustainable financial future.


The need for employee-retention solutions, like our GOALL Agency has never been higher.

Employee Retention

By the time you advertise, interview, & train a new employee to the level of an existing employee is costly to an employer and reduces profit margins. Are you addressing employee needs and standing out from other employees, so they do not leave? We can help!

Attracting Top Talent

Hiring talented employees is critical to growing a company. What are you doing to standout from your competition? Do your benefits say, "We care about our employees?" We can help!

Tethering Top Talent

Tethering your top talent is critical in today's market conditions and you don't want any of your trade secrets going to your competitor. If you lose a key employee, where are you going to find a replacement? We have a great tethering program. We can help!

Cost of Benefits

Benefits can be expensive. With the GOALL Program you will save approximately 40% less than typical benefits plans and with the GOALL Program, all the benefits will stay with the employee in retirement. We can help!

Reduce Taxable Income

As an employer do you think taxes are going up? Do you want to reduce your taxable income? We can help!

GOALL offers an alternative — or addition — to a traditional 401(k) plan

Today’s companies are not only competing for sales but also for the talented employees that drive them. . . adding the GOALL Program to your benefit plan options is one way to achieve competitive advantage:

  • Stand out from your competition other employers with a retirement savings and financial security program that’s in many ways more attractive than others
  • Maintain momentum through better employee retention; turnover saps organizations of experience and expertise
  • Tether top talent by retaining your top employees and attract new hires with a better, more varied package of benefit plan options
  • Increase security: departing employees take with them inside knowledge of your company’s operations and strategic direction
  • Save money: per one source, the average cost to replace a employee is 50% of their salary (i.e., $37,500 for a $75,000/year employee)


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